Embark on a captivating journey with Lightyear Studio, where each moment unfolds like a timeless saga. Rooted in the love story of Nathan and Thanh, our tale is one of passion, perseverance, and following dreams against all odds.
Nathan, once a pharmacist, and Thanh, an MBA graduate, found their true calling in the world of art and storytelling. Despite societal expectations, Nathan’s childhood love for art never waned. It took the spark of Thanh’s love to ignite his passion, leading them both on a remarkable journey.
Driven by their shared love for adventure and culture, Nathan and Thanh embarked on a quest to capture life’s most precious moments. With cameras in hand, they traverse the globe, cherishing every encounter and crafting stories that transcend time.
Today, Lightyear Studio stands as a beacon of creativity and excellence, adorned with accolades and fueled by the collective passion of our team. We are more than just photographers; we are dreamers, artists, and storytellers, dedicated to capturing the essence of each moment and weaving epic narratives with you.
Join us on this extraordinary odyssey, where every frame is a masterpiece, and every story is an adventure waiting to be told.
Contact Information
New York
New York
United States