The website has been designed to assist Indian and Angolan visitors find the information they seek with regard to Consular services, Indo-Angolan trade and also to get an overview of the activities carried out by the Embassy. We hope that the Website serves as an informative and user friendly medium for all those interested in the work of the Mission. It is our endeavour to disseminate useful information about the Mission, the various services including passport, visa services, provided by the Mission, events and programmes organized by the Mission, etc.
Comments/suggestions for improvement are welcome. We value your suggestions regarding our website and request you to send your comments/feedback to amboff[dot]luanda[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in, in order to help us assist you better. Visitors may also like to check out the Mission’s Facebook Page ‘India in Angola’ for the latest news and information on the activities of the Mission.
Thank you for visiting the Website.
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