Get ready for an uproarious evening as the renowned Indian comedy artist, Gaurav Kapoor, brings his comedic brilliance to the stage for a live concert on July 12, 2024, in Yellow Box Theater, 1635 Emerson Ln, Naperville, IL 60540. Hailing from Delhi, Gaurav Kapoor is set to make his debut in the US, promising an unforgettable experience for comedy enthusiasts and fans alike.
With his unique blend of humor and relatability, Gaurav Kapoor has earned widespread acclaim as one of the funniest and most prolific stand-up acts of recent times. His comedic prowess extends beyond the stage, with his Vlogs amassing a massive following of over 1 million on YouTube and 400K on Instagram.
Nothing is off-limits when Gaurav Kapoor takes the mic, as he fearlessly delves into topics ranging from life and relationships to societal norms and everything in between. His raw, unfiltered humor resonates with audiences of all backgrounds, making him a household name in Indian comedy.
Don’t miss your chance to witness Gaurav Kapoor’s comedic genius in person at this highly anticipated live concert. Book your tickets now and prepare to laugh until your sides ache as Gaurav Kapoor delivers a performance that is guaranteed to leave you in stitches!
Organized by: Magic Entertainment
Date & Time: Fri, Jul 12 at 8:00 PM(CST)