Bangladesh is set to increase its use of Indian ports for routing third country exports. A feasibility study will be conducted to assess the viability of adding more ports under the Coastal Shipping Agreement and the Protocol on Inland Water Transit and Trade (PIWT&T). A delegation from Bangladesh will visit India to evaluate this potential expansion.

The focus of the feasibility check will be on several key Indian ports: Chennai in Tamil Nadu, Visakhapatnam and Krishnapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, and Haldia and Kolkata in West Bengal. These ports are seen as critical hubs for enhancing export routes and trade efficiency.

India has expanded its facilities to include riverine routes alongside surface communication systems, further supporting trade. Additionally, India provides free transit for Bangladeshi exports to Nepal and Bhutan, enhancing regional trade connections. This initiative aims to streamline logistics and broaden export opportunities for Bangladesh.

The exploration of these Indian ports represents a strategic move to optimize Bangladesh’s export capabilities and leverage India’s extensive port infrastructure. The outcome of the feasibility study will determine the potential for increased collaboration and trade efficiency between the two countries.

Source: Maritime Gateway