Vaidya Sushil Dubey, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Ayurveda at Banaras Hindu University’s Institute of Medical Sciences, asserts that diet, sleep, and celibacy act as “super medicines” for pain relief. According to Dubey, pain management hinges on three mechanisms: analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory, all of which are supported by these three pillars.

Drawing parallels between the body’s functions and universal elements, Dubey explained, “Just as the universe is governed by the sun, moon, and air, our body functions through Vata (space and air), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (earth and water).”

Currently, Dubey is researching Ayurveda’s role in preventing and treating non-communicable diseases at BHU. His team is developing a diet plan based on Ayurvedic principles, which he believes could significantly improve health outcomes. Dubey recommends starting the day with fruit on an empty stomach to prevent overeating and reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes.

Highlighting the benefits of intermittent fasting, Dubey advises light dinners focused on fruits, strictly avoiding fast food.

Yamini Bhusan Tripathi, a biochemistry and molecular biology scholar and former dean of BHU’s Faculty of Ayurveda, supports Dubey’s emphasis on Ayurveda’s role in modern medicine. Tripathi has been pivotal in advancing evidence-based Ayurvedic practices.

Both experts will speak at the Ayurveda Conference from June 21 to 24 at Arsha Vidya Gurukullam in Saylorsburg. The conference will explore health and wellness concepts, early symptoms of non-communicable diseases, shud kriya kal, pulse analysis (nadi), and medical astrology. Attendees will also have the opportunity for personal consultations with the speakers.
