The movie Berlin is a gripping thriller set in 1993 in New Delhi. It follows the intense story of a deaf-mute man who is wrongfully arrested as a spy and murderer. The film dives deep into the treacherous world of espionage, as the protagonist becomes embroiled in a high-stakes conspiracy. What sets this film apart is not just the clever plot twists, but also the strong character-driven narrative, which brings an emotional depth to the thriller genre. The suspense builds through tense interrogations and the interplay between intelligence officers and corrupt officials, ultimately leading to a nail-biting climax.

One of the film’s standout qualities is its exploration of communication and power dynamics, with the protagonist’s inability to speak heightening the tension in his interactions with the authorities. The storytelling is bolstered by sharp performances and a tight script, making Berlin both a refreshing and potent entry in Indian cinema’s growing catalog of espionage thrillers. It is a must-watch for those who appreciate thrillers that merge suspense with an underlying message about injustice.
