After a flourishing career in acting, Randeep Hooda is gearing up to venture into the director’s chair with “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar.” This upcoming project also marks the debut of Randeep’s sister, Anjali Hooda, in the acting realm. Anjali, a doctor by profession, played a pivotal role in Randeep’s remarkable physical transformation for the film. Shedding nearly 26 kilograms, the actor underwent a rigorous regimen under his sister’s guidance, a process she vows he’ll never repeat.

In an interview with, Anjali Hooda candidly expressed her reservations about extreme weight loss, recalling her cautionary advice to Randeep during his preparation for “Sarabjit.” Despite her concerns, she assumed responsibility for his transformation, employing her expertise to ensure his safety and well-being. Manipulating his diet with precision, incorporating essential fats, and safeguarding vital nutrients, Anjali orchestrated a methodical approach to his transformation, yielding visible results.

While proud of her brother’s dedication to his craft, Anjali draws a firm line, asserting that such drastic measures won’t be entertained in the future. Acknowledging Randeep’s logical approach, she commends his unwavering commitment while emphasizing the uniqueness of his dedication. Amidst familial discord over his transformation, with her father’s disapproval and her mother’s distress, Anjali assumed the role of peacemaker, assuring them of Randeep’s well-being.

Despite the familial tension, Randeep’s wife stands as a pillar of support, a fact not lost on his sister. Anjali’s reluctance to engage with social media commentary underscores her apprehension, though she finds solace in the overwhelmingly positive response to Randeep’s physical evolution. Reflecting on her own journey into acting, Anjali reveals her long-standing passion for the craft, albeit deferred by familial expectations. Her debut, spurred by her fascination with Bhikaiji Cama, symbolizes a long-awaited opportunity to pursue her dreams. On set, sibling dynamics dissolve, replaced by the professionalism of a director guiding his actor, even at the expense of false lashes and added weight.

As anticipation builds for “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar,” Anjali’s family exhibits a blend of pride and reservation, a testament to their journey. While her children remain cautiously optimistic, Anjali’s eagerness to explore future roles reflects a burgeoning excitement for the evolving landscape of Indian cinema. “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar” promises to unveil Randeep Hooda’s directorial prowess and introduce audiences to Anjali Hooda’s acting prowess, marking a significant milestone for the talented siblings.