R. Panneer Selvam, an esteemed professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Arkansas, has been named a Fellow of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI). This prestigious recognition highlights individuals who have significantly advanced engineering mechanics and demonstrated exceptional leadership within the field.

Selvam, a vital member of the civil engineering faculty since 1986, is the first from his department to receive this honor. Known for his pioneering work in computational mechanics, wind engineering, and structural dynamics, Selvam has earned a reputation as a leading authority in his field.

“It is a tremendous honor to be named a Fellow of the Engineering Mechanics Institute,” said Selvam.

The EMI Fellowship is awarded through a rigorous selection process, evaluating nominees based on their contributions to engineering mechanics and their leadership in the engineering community. Selvam’s extensive work includes computational fluid dynamics for wind engineering, thermal management for electronics, and nanomechanics.

In 2019, Selvam was elected to the EMI Board of Governors and has served as associate editor for the Journal of Engineering Mechanics. His research, widely published in top-tier journals, includes critical projects for the US Air Force, US Navy, NASA, and the Department of Energy.

Beyond his research, Selvam is dedicated to teaching and mentoring future engineers, emphasizing the importance of tackling issues like climate change and its impact on severe weather, air, and water quality.

“Dr. Selvam’s recognition as an EMI Fellow is a testament to his outstanding contributions to the field of engineering mechanics,” said Dr. Micah Hale, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Arkansas.

Selvam will be formally recognized with other EMI Fellows at the EMI/PMC Awards Banquet on May 30, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois.