NRIs return with affection to vote in Hyderabad

In a display of unwavering commitment to their democratic duty, numerous Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) alongside a handful of natives of Telangana residing in other states flocked to Hyderabad despite a notably low voter turnout in the city for the Lok Sabha elections on Monday.

The Hans India team had the opportunity to engage with several of these dedicated individuals who had traversed continents, spanning from the United States, London, Oman, and Singapore, as well as from various parts of India, all with the singular aim of participating in the electoral process.

Vishu Kalavala, an advocate hailing from Washington DC, articulated, “My visit to Hyderabad is solely centered around casting my vote. I have upheld this tradition for every election, including the Assembly polls. Returning to my homeland to exercise my democratic right is not just a choice but a responsibility I hold dear in preserving the essence of democracy.”

Echoing similar sentiments, Spurthi, an IT professional based in London, elucidated, “Being Indian transcends geographical boundaries; it’s a commitment. Hence, I couldn’t shirk my responsibilities. I took time off from work and embarked on this journey to Hyderabad to discharge my duty by casting my ballot.”

Further emphasizing the significance of each vote, Ramanjeet Singh, an IT employee stationed in Pune, emphasized, “Despite my temporary assignment in Pune spanning two months, I prioritized coming here to cast my vote because every single ballot matters.”

Their resolute determination serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring spirit of democracy and the importance of citizen participation in shaping the collective future of the nation.