Raja Krishnamoorthi urges Indian Americans to run for office at all levels

Influential Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi has called on Indian Americans to actively participate in the political process and consider running for office at all levels. Addressing community members from across the nation at the annual summit of Indian American Impact, a Democratic think-tank, Krishnamoorthi emphasized the importance of voting and political engagement.

“We have to vote. Will everyone here vote in the coming election?” Krishnamoorthi asked a packed room of prominent Indian Americans. “We can talk politics all day, but doing politics is what matters. Remember, politics is not just a noun, it’s a verb. And we have to do politics this year. We have to vote.”

The Illinois Congressman stressed the necessity of supporting local organizations and political causes. “We have to support our local mandirs, our local mosques, and our local non-profits. I hope you do that and give generously. But we also have to work on political issues bigger than ourselves,” he urged.

Krishnamoorthi highlighted the need for civic participation across the political spectrum. “Whether you’re Democrat, Republican, independent, I don’t care as long as you recognize that you need to participate in the civic affairs of your country. And now is the time to do it,” he asserted.

He also encouraged Indian Americans to run for public office, following Vice President Kamala Harris’s remarks on their underrepresentation in elected positions. “It’s time to run for office at all levels,” he said. “Impact is making a strong impact so that we can have more and more people pulling up a seat to the table. There’s this old saying in Washington: if you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re on the menu. None of us can afford to be on the menu, not this year or any year.”

Krishnamoorthi concluded by motivating the audience to consider candidacies for various offices. “I hope that more people consider running for office. Perhaps you’ll run for city council, maybe for State House, State Senate. You’ll run for Congress,” he said.

The summit underscored the growing political engagement of Indian Americans and their potential to influence American politics significantly.