Sahebaan Welfare Trust initiates membership campaign in UAE

Sahebaan Welfare Trust (SWT) Mangalore embarked on its membership induction drive with a flourish, holding a grand event at the premises of Northern Insurance Company on Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

In attendance were esteemed trustees and influential members of the UAE Sahebaans community, including Nasir Syed, Mateen Ahmed Chilmi, Yunus Sheikh, Nisar Khan, Ajmal Syed, and Althaf Khalife.

The launch showcased SWT’s commitment to expanding its membership base not only within India but also across international borders, particularly in the UAE and beyond. Unveiling their brochure marked a significant milestone in this endeavor.

Established in December 2023, SWT has been on a mission to cater to the welfare needs of the Sahebaan community, primarily consisting of Urdu-speaking individuals from the DK and Udupi districts. One of its key objectives is to ensure adequate representation for returning Sahebaan NRIs in India.

Operating under the guiding principles of peace and harmony, SWT maintains a rigorous group membership policy while adhering to the laws of the respective countries it operates in.

During the ceremony, Syed Siraj Ahmed, General Secretary of SWT, shed light on the organization’s objectives, past accomplishments, and future plans. These encompass a wide array of initiatives, including bi-monthly welfare talks covering education, health, taxation, NRI investments in India, and active involvement in governmental programs like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and traffic awareness campaigns. Additionally, SWT is committed to fostering interfaith harmony.

Afroz Assadi, President of SWT, extended a heartfelt welcome to all attendees, emphasizing the significance of continued support and collaboration in realizing SWT’s objectives. The invaluable contribution of SWT Ladies Wing was duly recognized and commended during the proceedings.

Among the distinguished guests was Faizaan Khatib, Lead of the SWT Youth Wing, adding to the vibrancy and diversity of the event.