Taiwan has awarded scholarships to 137 Indian students at a ceremony organized by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in New Delhi. This event marks the highest number of scholarships given by the Taiwanese government to Indian students to date. A total of 92 students received the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship for Mandarin language studies, while 45 were awarded the Taiwan Scholarship for various degree programs at Taiwanese universities.

Taiwan’s Ambassador to India, Baushuan Ger, emphasized the growing academic ties between the two nations, noting that India now has the largest pool of international students benefiting from Taiwan’s government scholarships. Srishti, a recipient of the Taiwan Scholarship, shared her positive experiences as an exchange student, highlighting academic innovation and cultural understanding as significant benefits.

This year’s scholarship recipients come from diverse academic backgrounds and various states, including Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Mizoram, and Himachal Pradesh. They are set to begin their academic journeys in Taiwan soon. Peters Chen, Director of the Education Division, congratulated the students, urging them to study diligently and explore Taiwanese culture.

The number of scholarships awarded to Indian students has increased significantly since the Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Programme began in 2004. The rise in scholarship numbers coincides with the growth in Indo-Taiwan trade relations, which saw a trade volume increase from US$ 2 billion in 2006 to nearly US$ 8.22 billion in 2023. The new developments in semiconductor industry cooperation have also contributed to this growth.

Source: India Today