In a bid to revolutionize insights into the diverse landscape of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities, AAPI Data has unveiled the AANHPI Community Data Explorer. Developed in partnership with data science consultancy January Advisors and with extensive input from community partners, this pioneering platform promises to empower stakeholders with data-driven narratives crucial for informed decision-making.

Drawing from the wealth of information provided by the US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS), the Data Explorer offers an intuitive interface for dissecting a plethora of indicators, ranging from citizenship and language to income and educational attainment. By facilitating exploration across various geographic scales, from states to metropolitan areas, the platform sheds light on the nuanced needs and disparities within AANHPI communities.

Moreover, users can generate tailored reports at the click of a button, including Community Snapshots featuring stylized infographics and graphs, and Community Deep Dives offering comprehensive tabular data. This customization caters to a spectrum of use cases, from policy formulation to grassroots advocacy.

Karthick Ramakrishnan, founder and executive director of AAPI Data, emphasizes the pivotal role of the platform in fostering informed dialogue and effecting tangible change. As part of the broader Power In Numbers campaign, the AANHPI Community Data Explorer seeks to elevate the visibility of AANHPI communities, driving policy reforms and investments in civic engagement.

Crucially, the platform underscores the imperative for disaggregated data, particularly in federal collections, where detailed ethnicity breakdowns are often lacking. With the recent update to Statistical Policy Directive 15 (SPD 15) by the Office of Management and Budget, mandating enhanced ethnicity data standards across federal agencies, the spotlight is on accelerating progress in this domain.

Akil Vohra, director of policy at AAPI Data, stresses the significance of robust data collection in dismantling barriers and addressing service gaps for AANHPI communities. As the AANHPI Community Data Explorer sets a precedent for data disaggregation, it signals a watershed moment in the quest for equitable representation and resource allocation.

In an era defined by data-driven decision-making, the unveiling of the AANHPI Community Data Explorer marks a pivotal stride towards amplifying the voices and needs of AAPI communities on the national stage.