Martin is a film that tries to present itself as a grand action-packed blockbuster, but it falls short in almost every aspect. The movie, heavily inspired by previous hits like KGF, takes a fast-paced approach, moving from one action sequence to another without much sense or continuity. The problem with this style is that it sacrifices storytelling, leaving the audience confused and disconnected.

The film kicks off with Martin’s dramatic entry in a Pakistani jail, and while it tries to build up tension, it feels like an over-the-top attempt to recreate memorable moments from bigger films. There are scenes where the character gives speeches to prisoners, which seem to be trying to imitate Hollywood or even big-budget Indian films, but these moments come across as cheap copies. The dialogues and execution feel forced, leaving the audience disengaged.

One of the major flaws in Martin is the lack of authenticity. The film portrays Pakistani characters, yet many of them speak in a South Indian accent, which immediately breaks immersion. This oversight shows a lack of research and care from the filmmakers. Additionally, the action sequences, which should have been the movie’s strong point, are poorly executed with overused green screen effects that lack any real impact.

The movie’s visuals, while ambitious, don’t live up to modern standards. It feels like a mix of random scenes stitched together without much thought given to the plot or character development. The camerawork, particularly during the scenes involving the female lead, is problematic, with too much focus on objectifying shots rather than adding to the story.

While Martin tries to appeal to fans of high-octane action, it misses the mark. The constant jumping between action scenes without proper buildup makes it difficult to connect with the characters or the narrative. If you’re expecting something on the level of KGF or RRR, you’ll be disappointed.

Overall, Martin ends up being a chaotic and incoherent film that struggles to find its footing. The fast-paced editing and lack of meaningful content make it a tough watch. It may appeal to a small group of action enthusiasts, but for most, it’s a forgettable experience. If you’re looking for a well-rounded movie, Martin is not the one.

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