Indian students with a student visa in New Zealand can now support work visas for their partners and dependent children. This policy applies to students pursuing Level 7 or 8 qualifications on the Green List, according to the latest visa policies by the New Zealand government.

Level 7 and 8 qualifications include graduate certificates, diplomas, Bachelor’s degrees, and postgraduate certificates and diplomas. These qualifications are essential for taking advantage of the new visa policies, allowing more flexibility for students’ families.

If enrolled in an eligible Level 7 or 8 qualification, a student’s spouse can apply for a “Partner of a Student Work Visa.” This visa has open conditions, allowing partners to work in New Zealand without needing a pre-existing job offer.

The policy also supports the education of students’ children. Partners of work visa holders can apply for a Dependent Child Student Visa, allowing their children to attend school as domestic students, exempting them from international tuition fees.

The Green List includes highly skilled roles in shortage in New Zealand, facilitating the hiring of migrants for these positions. Occupations range from engineering and health services to agriculture and ICT. The list provides a clear pathway to residence after two years for those in these roles.

Employers hiring migrants on the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) for Green List roles do not need to advertise for the job check. However, the migrant worker must have a matching job offer and required qualifications.

Source: Business Standard